

CROWD Research Collaborators


Leanne Beers, Ph.D.

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Photo of Leanne Beers

Dr. Leanne Beers holds a Ph.D. in Social and Behavioral Sciences/Human Services with an emphasis in disability and human sexuality. She also has a Master’s in Public Relations and Health Communications. Currently living in Missoula, MT, Leanne has served on various non-profit Board of Trustees as well as various Community Advisory Boards (CAB) for disability research. Leanne prides herself as a professional, advocate, and group facilitator for programs such as assertiveness, self-esteem, safety awareness for women, sex education, non-violent communication, disability, sexuality, and healthy relationships.


David C. Davidson, B.S.

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Photo of CROWD technical consultant David Davidson

David C. Davidson serves as technical consultant for CROWD. Mr. Davidson has a background in information technology and holds a bachelor of science degree in management information systems from the University of Houston-Clear Lake in Texas. Recently, he served as a peer group facilitator for a weight management program for people with spinal cord injury. He has also served as a member of national advisory boards for several projects focused on the health and well-being of people with spinal cord injury.


Rosemary B. Hughes, Ph.D.

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Rosemary B. Hughes, Ph.D.

Former director of CROWD, Dr. Hughes is as a senior research scientist at the Rural Institute on Disabilities and an adjunct faculty member at the School of Public and Community Health at The University of Montana in Missoula, Dr. Hughes is a co-investigator for the GoWoman project. She has been an investigator on several CDC, NIDRR, and NIH-funded research studies focused on the health of women with disabilities.


Thomas M. Nosek, Ph.D.

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Thomas M. Nosek, Ph.D.

As former associate dean for Academic Computing and current professor emeritus of Physiology and Biophysics at Case Western Reserve University of Medicine, Dr. Thomas Nosek is GoWoman’s SecondLife Technical Consultant. He has constructed the current project’s virtual environment as an adaptation of CROWD’s NIDRR-funded Self-Esteem in Second-Life project.


Rebecca E. Lee, Ph.D.

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Rebecca E. Lee, Ph.D.

As the founding director at the Texas Obesity Research Center at the University of Houston and an associate professor of nutrition with the Department of Health and Human Performance, Dr. Lee contributes extensive experience in developing community-based health promotion programs as a principal investigator for GoWoman.


Tracey A. Ledoux, Ph.D., R.D.

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Tracey A. Ledoux, Ph.D., R.D.

With experience in behavioral nutrition research and obesity prevention, Dr. Ledoux is an advisor to GoWoman in its adaptation from the Diabetes Prevention Program.


Daniel P. O’Connor, Ph.D.

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Daniel P. O'Connor, Ph.D.

An associate professor in the Department of Health and Human Performance at University of Houston, Dr. O’Connor is the project’s research methodologist, advising in the collection, management, and analysis of data from GoWoman.