Jin Wang Lab


We developed a glutathione (GSH) probe鈥擱ealThiol鈥攖hat allows real-time monitoring of GSH dynamics in living cells ().

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Jin Wang
Global distribution of GSH probes developed by the Jin Wang group. The GSH probes, including RealThiol (RT) and Mito-RealThiol (Mitro-RT) probes, have been distributed to over 50 institutions worldwide through either MTAs or Kerafast.com.

Impact of Our GSH Probes


Global distribution of GSH probes developed by our group. The GSH probes, including RealThiol (RT) and Mito-RealThiol (Mito-RT) probes, have been distributed to over 50 institutions worldwide through either material transfer agreements (MTAs) or Kerafast.com. The map is updated on Dec 27, 2018.

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Targeting SRC-3 shuts down many cancer signaling pathways simultaneously

Steroid Receptor Coactivator 3 (SRC-3) Small Molecule Inhibitors


We developed a small molecule inhibitor that can inhibitor SRC-3 and impact many cancer signaling pathways simultaneously ().


About the Lab


We are a highly interdisciplinary group and interested in developing tools for biological and biomedical studies. Currently, our research is mainly focused in three areas:

  • Developing novel fluorescent probes to quantitatively monitor real-time glutathione dynamics in living cells
  • Developing small molecule inhibitor against coactivators to treat breast cancer
  • Developing antibody drug conjugates as novel cancer therapies