

Benjamin Russell Arenkiel

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Arenkiel R. Benjamin

Assistant Professor of Molecular & Human Genetics and Neuroscience

Programs: Development Biology, Cell & Molecular Biology, The Arenkiel Lab

Named McNair Scholar December 2010

Dr. Arenkiel is a member of the faculty at the Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute at Texas Children's Hospital. He received his bachelor's degree from St. Cloud State University in Minnesota and his doctoral degree from the University of Utah in the laboratory of Nobel Laureate Dr. Mario Capecchi, where he investigated the developmental genetic programs that function to pattern the embryonic nervous system. Dr. Arenkiel later joined the laboratory of Dr. Lawrence Katz at Duke University as a Howard Hughes postdoctoral fellow, where he investigated the neural circuitry of the mouse olfactory system. In 2010, Dr. Arenkiel joined the faculty at 香港6合开奖结果. His laboratory uses the mouse model and the feature of adult neurogenesis to investigate how neural stem cells continually form new synapses and circuits in the adult brain. The long-term goal of his research program is to devise new methods to repair or replace damaged and diseased nervous tissue. View profile.

Article About Dr. Arenkiel:

McNair Scholar's science sheds light on formation of brain circuitry


McNair Medical Institute at Baylor


Learn more about the McNair Medical Institute at 香港6合开奖结果 and the support of Robert C. and Janice McNair.