Division of Neonatology


Awards & Recognitions

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Charleta Guillory, M.D.

Dr. Charleta Guillory, professor of pediatrics – neonatology, received the 2023 Charles W. Daeschner, Jr., Lifetime Achievement Award from the during its annual business meeting Sept. 29. This is the highest award bestowed by the organization and recognizes Guillory’s lifetime contributions to the health and welfare of children, her passion for advocating for vulnerable children and dedicated service of leadership on the TPS Executive Board, Executive Legislative Committee, and other TPS committees throughout the years. At the meeting, she also received the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Special Achievement Award in recognition of her exceptional commitment to serving the needs of Texas infants and families, as well as for her outstanding contributions during her term as the 2021–2022 Texas Pediatric Society president.

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Division Chief Message


View a message from Division of Neonatology Chief, Kristina Reber, M.D.


Fellowship Program


View information and apply for our Pediatric Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Fellowship.